Redstar Ventures - Business Creator & Think Tank
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Redstar Ventures is a unique investment firm that built an internal Think Tank of talented individuals with expertise in many fields of research. Rather than investing in Start-up Companies created outside the firm, they developed a collaboration and innovation process to vet ideas and business opportunities while finding the best ones to invest in.
A forward thinking company needs an unconventional approach to creating their forward thinking working environments. Baker Design Group was pleased to help them imagine their Working, Collaborating, and Playing, environments. The Redstar team members are delighted that their office could easily be confused for a trendy nightclub or hipster hotel lobby. This space never fails to put a smile on each team member’s face when they come to work at their Un-Corporate Office.
˅ Project Imagery ˅
Large Meeting Room Team Collaboration
Redstar Ventures Floor Plan
Open Office and Collaboration Spaces
40-Foot Long Farmer's Table and Work Bar
Team Members Collaborating
Detail of Team Working at Farmer's Table
Detail of Chandelier Over Farmer's Table
Detail of Privacy Curtain at Meeting Alcove
Detail of Chandelier and Guitar at Open Office